Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Very Abbreviated Year

It's already January 6th.  I've tried to write this damn "look back at 2014" thing so many times and it keeps coming out super lame, so I'm just going to keep it short and sweet rather than trying to write about everything.  Otherwise, we'll be here 'til St. Patrick's Day.

- One important lesson I learned in 2014:

It is better to focus on people in your life who care about you versus dwelling on, or wishing to change, the people who've hurt and/or rejected you.  (This is kind of obvious, but, well, I am very stupid.)

- One new skill I acquired in 2014:

How to play guitar  (Badly.  But I'm getting better every day.)

- One of my favorite memories 2014:

Going to Denver Comic Con

- One very sad memory:

Losing our guinea pig, Wembley

- One thing I'm proud of doing:

Running two more 5Ks (oh, god, please no more...)

- One thing I wish I hadn't done:

Got bangs again
(I only WISH they were this awesome.)

There ya go.  Year in review, Cliffs Notes style.  BOOM.